Sunday 7 July 2013


Pregnancy demands optimum nutrition for the health of both the mother-to-be and the developing child. Because nature favors the fetus, whatever nutrients the fetus requires will be taken from the mother. Just consider a few of the increased nutritional demands created by a full-term pregnancy:
A multivitamin that is properly absorbed is the basis for a good pregnancy.
The need for Iron rises from 18 mg/day to 30-60 mg/day.
Requirements for the entire B-complex (including folic acid) increase significantly.
The RDA for calcium increases from 800 mg/day to 1200 mg/day.
Protein needs jump from 44 grams/day to an astonishing 74 grams/day!

These are the specific Shaklee's supplements that provide critical nutrients for every pregnant woman.
1.) Shaklee's Multivitamin called VitaLea
2.) Shaklee Iron + C
3.) Shaklee B-Complex
4.) Shaklee's Calcium called Osteomatrix

Advantages of using Shaklee's supplements:
2 Vitalea, 1 Iron, 2 B-complex, 4 Calcium, collectively provide .8 mg/day of folic acid, and either meet or exceed all the RDA for pregnant or lactating women for all other nutrients! Most prescription prenatal vitamins surprisingly do not even come close.
High quality vegetable protein
Contains nutrients vitally important to pregnancy yet often missing in prescription prenatals
No artificial ingredients
Easy to digest
Tablets dissolve within 10 minutes which is far below the pharmaceutical standard

QB - SID : 907913 | Phone No : 013- 4263718 | E-mail

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